Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Art of Mandalas

Barbara Brown joined us this week to help the girls create mandalas. Mandalas come from ancient Tibetan and Indian cultures.  These beautiful pieces of artwork focus on the circles. Circles being a shape that is represented in life and many forms. Mandalas are also considered a form of meditation.  Barbara explain the beauty of circles throughout our everyday lives.  The girls expressed their favorite circles in their lives and we talked about the art and form of a circle.  Using compasses and water colours the girls created circular works of art that reflect their interests and lives.  Barbara will be laminating the mandalas and which will include a affirmation the girls wrote that was relected in their artwork.

Boy these girls love to chat and share what's going on in their minds and lives.  At two different times we took time during the session to be silent and focus on the process of creating the art in front of them.  Afterwards they reflected on this quiet time and what came to light during this time.

As always the girls wanted to play at the end of the session.  I'm anxious to see their final creations at the end of the month and the girls will be happy to have Shauna back.  Jenna and Shauna are in Florida visiting family this week.

A special thanks to Barbara Brown for sharing her time and talents with her.  Barbara was also kind enough to bring her daughter Willow, a Tween Club graduate, along to assist with the project.  Thanks ladies!

1 comment:

Shaping Youth said...

Love this concept. I'd like to feature it on Eco Child's Play when I come up for air? Hugs, --Amy

p.s. About to include your links in our 'All Things Girl' finale and get back to our 'regular programming' on S.Y. ;-)