Monday, November 26, 2007

Our Start In October

We start Tween club in October because September is crazy busy for all of us. By early October children and parents alike are back into a routine and ready that's when we invite our girls to join us at Tween Club.

The individual meetings in October were all about meeting each other and getting to know our leader Shauna Pollock, plus parent leader Patti and Janis, and of course an opportunity for the girls to start to mix and mingle. Although many of them knew each other from school, the neighborhood and last year's Tween Club, there were many new faces and names to get to know.

The mixing took it's natural shape of a girl frenzy at first but in time Shauna settled both groups into a series of games that allowed the girls to get to know each other a little better.

These two meetings were started in a circle format where the girls could talk about why they were in the club and what they were expecting from Tween Club this year. There are always many giggles and laughs throughout their excited conversations. What we have observed above all, is that the girls want to share (talk). The games allowed them to share their names and their personalities with the others.

During the second half of the meeting Shauna shared her experiences of being a young girl (Shauna is only 25 yrs old and a teacher in a middle school during the day).

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