Thursday, March 20, 2008

Coming Up in April - "Growing Up - Inside and Out"

Melanie Burston-Brown will be our leader for the early April meetings.  This note from Melanie,

"This is a critical and very important time in our children's lives.  Getting the correct information about puberty, anatomy and reporoductive health is the foundation of sexual responsibility and self-care.  This workshop will emphasize what is happening to our young girl's bodies in an age appropriate manner.  our children will be participation in small group activities that will help to normalize the changes associate with puberty, as well as exploring the human reproductive systems and the miracle of birth.  We will be talking about puberty and the impact it has on their daily lives, coping strategies as well as preparing for the "big day".  While the workshop offers the same content the delivery is different for the two age groups.  With the 9-10 group we will talk more about the body, its changes and the system.  The 11-12 grop will get more into the physiology and emotions attached to their changing bodies as well as open group and hands on discussions geared towards their menstrual cycles."

We just wanted you parents to have an idea of what is going to be covered in the April meetings.


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