Saturday, April 18, 2009

Asking Questions and Filling Buckets

The focus of April's meetings was all about questions, goals and doing your part to make others feel good. Shauna posed several questions to the girls and just let them run with things. In the younger meeting, the girls were in prime form to chat.

I want to be ________ because _______.

For the purposes of this blog I will just outline some of the things they want to be without the because;
an olympic diver, equestrian rider, World Wildlife Federation worker, help animas. professional soccer trainer, a teacher, marine specialist, published writer, a TV host, a dance teacher, a pinao player, a synchro teacher, to make a move, etc.

As we discussed our upcoming event, the Bizarre Bazaar, the girls talked about the charities they were interested in supporting. The ranged from water issues, animals, disease and finally girls in third world cultures. The last was the topic of most interest to our girls. They are hoping to sponsor a young girls education. We are presently doing some research to find the right charity.

Shauna also read the girls a pictures book called, "Have you filled Your Bucket Today?" It was a simple but wonderful story about how everyone has an invisible bucket filled with good feels and how important it is to fill others buckets. By doing so, we will out own. I have used the analogy at last 6 times with Erin since our meeting. I would recommend it even if you think they are too young for pictures books.


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