I am extremely excited to be a part of Tween Club this year. I feel it is important for tweens to have a safe, non-judgemental space in which they can feel comfortable expressing themselves. I hope I can encourage positive self-talk, positive self-esteem and create opportunities for the girls to empower themselves.
A little about me:
~ my family and friends mean the world to me
~ I love the outdoors, animals, music, dancing and bowling
~ my greatest achievement was graduating college
~ my goal professionally is to work in a hospital
~ I am still scared of the dark and snakes
I strongly believe that everyone has a purpose and that everyone you meet will teach you something. That includes children and youth. I know that children and youth are our future but they should also be our present. They can be major contributors to our community if we give them the opportunity.
- Valerie Trenholm
Valerie graduated from the child and youth worker program at Algonquin in May 2007. She has also worked in community health organizations, facilitated after school programs for youth, drop in programs, homework clubs and taught babysitting courses.
Janis and I are looking forward to working with Valerie and Dovercourt Recreation Centre on this year's Tween Club.
The McKellar field house is being replaced over the next year. Our new home for the 2009-2010 year is the Churchill Senior Centre, 345 Richmond Road, parking is available just off of Churchill Ave, north of Richmond Road.
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